CAD III: Top 10 OCT Findings

If an image is worth a thousand words, then we’d have to write a novel to capture all of the key takeaways from the 300 OCT images (i.e. pre-IVL, post-IVL & post-DES) that were taken from the 100 patients that participated in the Disrupt CAD III OCT sub-analysis. Thankfully, we ditched the novel and opted for an easy-to-digest infographic to capture the 10 most pertinent data points from the OCT study presented at TCT Connect. Happy viewing!

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Important Safety Information - Coronary IVL


Caution: In the United States, Shockwave C2 Coronary IVL catheters are investigational devices, limited by United States law to investigational use in the DISRUPT CAD III Study. Shockwave C2 Coronary IVL catheters are commercially available in certain countries outside the U.S. Please contact your local Shockwave representative for specific country availability. The Shockwave C2 Coronary IVL catheters are indicated for lithotripsy-enhanced, low-pressure balloon dilatation of calcified, stenotic de novo coronary arteries prior to stenting. For the full IFU containing important safety information please visit: 


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